Important Notice: You Can Help Prevent Another Big-Box Fight

As we reported in our last email, we are working on finishing our detailed research reports on taxes, traffic and economic impacts of development for Guilford.  We are also working on ways to put our work to use in encouraging the right kind of development for our community, and we will have more to tell you about our progress.

In the meantime, one extremely important item has emerged that requires us to interrupt the sequence of our email newsletters to you.  You have an opportunity to make a difference by ensuring rational development decisions for our town.

The Town of Guilford has posted an online survey seeking public input for updating its Plan of Conservation and Development.  We urge you to express your views regarding Guilford’s future and have them incorporated into a framework on which important decisions will be based for years to come.  The survey contains only 9 questions and can be accessed directly through this link:

This link can also be accessed by visiting the Town website at and scrolling to the survey link at bottom of the home page.

By state law, every community must develop a Plan of Conservation and Development (PCD) as part of its Comprehensive Plan.  The PCD is to be updated every ten years.  Guilford published its last PCD in 2002, and it has been recognized as a model among communities in CT.  This is not only because of its thoroughness and quality, but also because of the open process through which it was developed.  The present plan was two years in the making.  Scores of Guilford citizens gave their time to work on the plan and hundreds participated in workshops and town meetings.  Thousands showed their support through surveys.  The plan also incorporated the work of professional consultants who helped with planning for Route 1.  The result of that process was this model plan to preserve the scale and character of the community by encouraging small retail and other kinds of development, but not big boxes.

The purpose of a Comprehensive Plan and its PCD is to establish a framework upon which individual zoning decisions are supposed to based.  For eight years, this plan has remained the basis of policy, planning and zoning.  During this time, the PZC was asked to perform the important but limited role it was designed for: to evaluate proposals based on conformity to the regulations and the Plan.

What was most frustrating about the Costco debate was that the applicants disregarded the open public process on which the Plan of Conservation and Development was based.   They sought to convince the PZC to make zoning changes that were clearly incompatible with the Plan and with years of zoning precedent based on it.

A new committee has been established to update our Plan of Conservation and Development.  Nothing could be more important than preserving and strengthening the values and principles of the previous plan with regard to positive directions for development and prevention of big boxes.  Please take a moment now to complete the survey and make your voice heard, and encourage your friends and family to do the same.

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